Baby! This is 1978 or 79. |
Me at age three. |
Jen in 1981, age two. We spent a lot of our childhoods playing in snow. |
My family in 1982. Dad's a biochemist, Mom's an artist. |
This is around 1983. I'm age five, at a day camp in Long Island (where my family lived at the time). I faintly remember learning how to tie my shoelaces at this camp. |
The year is 1984. The place is our "new" house in New Hampshire. Clockwise from bottom left: |
Time flies and it's 1985. You can see how restless I was as a kid, compared to my sweet little sister. |
My sister and I were in Brownies before we graduated to the Girl Scouts. Here we are in Brownie uniforms, October 1986. I'm age eight, and Jen is age seven. |